Measure life not by how many breaths you take, but by how many moments take your breath away!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Starting Fresh

My cousin Chelsey inspired me to start blogging again as she is traveling through Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands for school.... I have lived through so much in the last few years that I've decided 2013 it being a superstitious number... I thought what better reason to start fresh start over and live my life for me and my kids...

2013 is going to be a year of fresh starts, new beginnings, and continued successes!!!

My family starts 2013 with the possibility of my oldest son Jacob leaving for the Navy sooner than April.... I'm not quite sure if it's hit me yet that my son is going to deploy to the military but I do know that it's going to be a great start to his own life....

My daughter is going to continue to excel in sports and school and further develop a meaningful relationships with her boyfriend Dylan.... Some people tell me that she's too young to have a boyfriend... Some people tell me that Melanie is too young to have a boyfriend and be as serious as they are but I believe that if something is good for you, someone or something that doesn't hurt you, doesn't stray, and helps you understand right from wrong while helping you endure the tough things in life so you don't have to do it alone.... Take it, it will only help you learn and grow.

May youngest, I am so lucky and blessed with him. Things come easy for him; school, friends, people... He is smart and wise beyond his years and It makes him so enjoyable to be around.... His future possibilities will be endless!!!!

If you care to read this then I thank you for your time but really this is something for me to express my joy and happiness and maybe my sadness and sorrow in how my life as I'm starting for 2013 and beyond!

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